InCM  2025


The 7th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing and Measurements

April 9–11, 2025, Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain

In Conjunction with 39th AINA-2024 Conference                   


The 7th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing and Measurements, co-located with AINA-2025 aims to bring together the Intelligent Computing (IC) and Measurements community to present the latest achievements and innovations in the multiple areas of  IC and Measurements. The scope of the workshop covers both theoretical and experimental research on IC, Measurements and related issues such as computational intelligence paradigms, non-invasive measurement techniques, real-time measurement, signal processing, among others. In addition, application areas include, but not limited to: biomedical devices, robotics, manufacturing systems, and transportation systems. The workshop will bring the opportunity to investigate the possibilities of development and application of Intelligent Computing in measurement systems ranging from the development of simple models to more sophisticated measurement procedures and smart instruments not only be able to perform simple commands but to also perform rather complex tasks. Research on these areas will be focused on methods and algorithms for processing time reduction and the complexity of measurement procedures.

Artificial Intelligence
Knowledge Engineering
Pattern Recognition
Image Processing
Machine Learning
Biomedical Systems
Intelligent Optimization
Access Control Systems
Intelligent Control Theory
Non-Invasive Measurement Techniques
Real-Time Measurement
Kubernetes Security Vulnerabilities
Sensors and Sensor Fusion
Distributed Sensor Networks
Sensor Interface and Architecture
Sensor Realiability and Maintenance
Measurement and Visualization
Measurement Analysis Techniques
Modeling of Network Measurement
Internet-Oriented Wireless and Measurements
Sensor Development
Signal Processing