Mechatronics | |
Mechatronics is defined as the synergistic combination of mechanical engineering of precision, electronic control and systems, considered in the design of products and the manufacture of processes. At present, mechatronic engineering has contributed to the development of new technologies. Due to the multidisciplinary approach of this engineering, today it is possible to design and streamline intelligent processes in various fields of industry. Among the great contributions that we can find in the mechatronics is its participation in medicine [1]. | |
This is thanks to the creation of interfaces developed through intelligent control, microcontrollers and servomechanisms that have given way to the construction of technological processes that benefit in different aspects of the health area. | |
In the process of creating interfaces for the purpose of minimizing costs and maximizing reliability, embedded systems play a very important role. These systems are composed of hardware and software, which are maintained in a direct interaction allowing them to communicate to represent the behavior of states, events and signals. The interaction they have with the outside world as a function of time or the presence of stimuli, makes it possible to control and operate equipment in environments with very specific operational conditions and scenarios [2]. | |
Mechatroncs systems are now commonplace in healthcare, manufacturing, space exploration and other industries. In these projects, students can learn and practice methods of Mechatronics Systems, and consequently the students can contribute to the current research and development in this field. | |
Some projects in this field under my supervision are as follows: | |
Design and construction
of a basic data acquisition systems |
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This project
presents a data acquisition
system for the R peak detection in
electrocardiograms. R wave is one of the most important
sections of the QRS complex, which has an essential role in
diagnosis of heart rhythm irregularities. This paper employs
Hilbert transform and
adaptive threshold technique for the detection of R
peak. The performance of the system was tested using standard ECG waveform records from the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. In addition, tests were carried out using the sensors for real-time data processing [2]. |
Bsc. Thesis Student: Gabriela Idali Ibarra. 120730 [2] |
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Bsc. Thesis Student: Valeria Vargas Morales 120819 [3] |
PID controller in an semiautomatic pneumatic regulator | |
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There is
a vacuum pressure system
in a machine, which requires obtaining a constant and exact
pressure to perform the task, consists of the application of
a pressure of 70 to 80 psi to perform the vacuum test in the
chamber and approve a good piece. The pressure falls during
some stages of the process because it is regulated manually,
which leads to an undesired system. The aim of this project is to control the automatic pneumatic pressure regulator by means of a self-tuneable feedback PID controller to maintain a stable pressure [4]. |
Control of an integrated robotic arm | |
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In this project, a
control system with
graphic interface for a robotic
arm prosthesis has been developed. The
electromyography signals emitted from the patient's forearm
have been recorded by means of surface myoelectric sensors.
Then, the voltage threshold emitted to enable the movement
of the servomotors exercising the action of opening and
closing the prosthesis have been determined. For the development of this project, the areas of electronics, embedded systems, control and electromyography knowledge were requiered. Therefore, a system capable of granting the patient greater control for the handling of their prosthesis has been obtained and an open field for more applications that involve myoelectric signals processing has eraised [5]. |
Design and implementation of a distance meter to detect obstacles | |
Semiautomatic pressure regulator | |
References: | |
[1] Rodríguez-Jorge, R.; Sánchez-Pérez, L.; Bila, J.; Škvor, J., Rotating machinery fault diagnosis using a quadratic neural unit, International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, 2022, vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 309-319, doi: 10.1504/IJGUC.2022.10047657, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Indexed in Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics). | |
[2] R. Rodrguez-Jorge and J. Bila, Cardiac Arrhythmia Prediction by Adaptive Analysis via Bluetooth, MENDEL, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 29-38. DOI: Indexed in Scopus. | |
[3] Ibarra Fierro, Gabriela I.; Rodriguez-Jorge, Ricardo; Mizera-Pietraszko, Jolanta; Martínez García, Edgar Alonso. (2018). Design and implementation of a data acquisition system for R peak detection in electrocardiogram,Artificial Intelligence for Health 2018 (AI4Health 2018), January 19-21, 2018, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. (Web of Science, Procceddings Citation Index). | |
[4] Bachelor Thesis: “Design and construction of a basic data acquisition system for the detection of the representative wave R in an electrocardiogram,” by the student Gabriela Ibarra Fierro, to get the title of Engineer in Mechatronics. Mechatronics Program. Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez. Dec 2017.(Advisor: Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez Jorge). | |
[5] Bachelor thesis: “Detection of the R peak in ECG signals obtained in real time by means of the single lead sensor,” by the student Valeria Vargas Morales, to get the title of Engineer in Mechatronics. Mechatronics Program. Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez. Dec 2017. (Advisor: Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez Jorge). | |
[6] Bachelor Thesis: “PID controller in an automatic pneumatic regulator,” by the student Francisco Javier Esquivel Ceballos, to get the title of Engineer in Mechatronics. Mechatronics Program. Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez. May 2017. (Advisor: Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez Jorge). | |
[7] Bachelor Thesis: “Development of a control system for a hand-held robotic prosthesis through the processing of myoelectric signals,” by the student Mauricio Pérez Lozano, to get the title of Engineer in Mechatronics. Mechatronics Program. Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez. May 2017. (Advisor: Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez Jorge). | |
[8] N. B. Nghien, Rodriguez-Jorge, Ricardo, Building an Early Warning Model for Detecting Environmental Pollution of Wastewater in Industrial Zones. In: Barolli L., Hellinckx P., Natwichai J. (eds) Advances on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing. 3PGCIC 2019. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 96. Springer, Cham. (Web of Science, Proceedings Citation Index). | |
[9] Cuong Nguyen Cong, Ricardo Rodriguez-Jorge, Nghien Nguyen Ba, Chuong Trinh Trong, Nghia Nguyen An, Design of Optimal PI Controllers using the Chemical Reaction Optimization Algorithm for Indirect Power Control of a DFIG model with MPPT, In: Web, Artificial Intelligence and Network Applications. WAINA 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1150. Springer, Cham (Web of Science, Core Rank B). April 2020 | |