Ricardo Rodríguez Jorge, PhD
Research Scientist
Department of Information and communications technologies

Ceit Research Center /“Researching Today, Creating the Future”
Donosti, Spain
Institutional website:portalcientifico.unav.edu/ investigadores/1113189/detalle
Reseach group: Data Analysis and Information Management Group
Research visit. Institution: National Technologic of Mexico / Technological Institute of Ciudad Victoria.
(July 1st – July 31th 2022)

Visiting Professor
Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
(Dec 2016 -January 2017)

Research visit
Tohoku University, Japan (May- Jul 2011)


I welcome my colleagues and fellow academics to this web site. If you would like to discuss any of my published work, please feel free to contact me. My professional interests are mainly in Engineering and my work today has been focused on signal processing and machine learning to bridge innovative ways in these areas.
I am always looking for industrial and academic collaboration, please do not hesitate to contact me for project collaborations. For more information about my current running projects please visit Research projects.
Institute web page:  Data Analysis and Information Management Group
Call for papers: https://www.rodriguezricardo.net/rodriguezjorgericardo/
Courses: https://www.rodriguezricardo.net/rodriguezjorgericardo/
Research Interest Group: Mechatronics,  Signal Processing, Control and Artificial Neural Networks
Contact Information: E-mail: rrodriguezj@ceit.es, Telephone: +34 943 212 800 / Ext. 2940, Office: 011, Skype: rodriguezri,  Mobile phone:

Adviced thesis


Current Postgraduate Adviced and Co-Adviced Thesis (Master Students)

Student Thesis Graduation 
Edgar Bernardo Ríos Ortega Myoelectric signal processing for the detection and characterization of leg's movements (Co-Advisor) June 2019



Current Adviced Thesis

Student Thesis Graduation 
Ernesto Alonso Guerrero García Artificial neural network for the prediction of an ischemic cerebral vascular disease Dec 2019
Natan Jezreel Aguilar Silva Robotic arm controlled by Android May 2019
Óscar David Guerra Sánchez Mioelectric signal processing system for the control of a robotic arm Dec 2019
Sergio Rubén Trejo Acosta Implementation of an improved LBP algorithm for object detection in real time through a neural unit Dec 2019
Edgar Tomás Vargas Delgado Road network mapping using GPS data May 2019
Samuel Vasquez Cuevas Deep learning for the validation of industrial parts Dec 2019
Areli Salas Saenz False reject inspection in the industry through a vision system Dec 2019
Oscar Molina Hernández Design in CAD and construction of an embedded architecture for the acquisition of biosignals Dec 2019
Fernanda Mercadante Vanegas Ocular movement tracking software as a treatment proposal for children with strabismus Dec 2019
Luis Manuel Espinosa 3D recognition system for an industrial robot in bin-picking tasks Dec 2019



Past adviced and Co-adviced Thesis

Student Thesis Graduation 
Juan Manuel Ramos Gaspar An image classifier Implementation using a multilayer network with feedforward  (Open it in a new tab) Dec 2018
Laura Rubí Sánchez Pérez Predictive maintenance of an industrial machine using neural networks  (Open it in a new tab) Dec 2018
Isaac De Leon Damas Detection of QRS complexity in real time through Bluetooth communication (Open it in a new tab) Dec 2018
Paola Alejandra Huerta Solis Implementation of a cubic neuronal unit for pattern detection and prediction of cardiac arrhythmias via wireless  (Open it in a new tab) Dec 2018
Luis Carlos Hernández Meléndez Fuzzy control system to regulate the temperature of a greenhouse  (Open it in a new tab) May 2018
Erick Antonio Ramos Vargas Implementation of an artificial vision system for validation of industry parts  (Open it in a new tab) Dec 2017
Laura Ivonne Figueroa Puebla Control of an integrated robotic arm by means of myoelectric signals  (Open it in a new tab) Dec 2017
Gabriela Ibarra Fierro Design and construction of a basic data acquisition system for the detection of the representative wave R in an electrocardiogram  (Open it in a new tab) Dec 2017
Valeria Vargas Morales Detection of the R peak in ECG signals obtained in real time by means of the single lead sensor  (Open it in a new tab) Dec 2017
Francisco Javier Esquivel Ceballos PID controller in an automatic pneumatic regulator May 2017
Mauricio Pérez Lozano A control system development for an hand-robotic prosthesis through the processing of myoelectric signals May 2017
Nelson Mier Rutiaga Design and implementation of a laser distance meter with a webcam to detect obstacles Dec. 2016
Eleazar Pulido Sariñana Semiautomatic pressure regulator May 2016
Jesús Reyes Almanza
Alejandra Margarita Rivas Simental
Educational software as a support tool for the teaching of Mexican independence based on Augmented Reality May 2016



Research Technical Report

Student Thesis Graduation 
Oscar Manuel Robledo Holguín
Carlos Humberto Pérez Mata
Software for transcription of specific formats oriented in the legal order

May 2018





Past Co-Adviced Master Thesis

Student Thesis Graduation
Wilebaldo Bernal Flores  An improvement to the classification phase of the k-means algorithm June 2016