Ricardo Rodríguez Jorge, PhD
Research Scientist
Department of Information and communications technologies

Ceit Research Center /“Researching Today, Creating the Future”
Donosti, Spain
Institutional website:portalcientifico.unav.edu/ investigadores/1113189/detalle
Reseach group: Data Analysis and Information Management Group
Research visit. Institution: National Technologic of Mexico / Technological Institute of Ciudad Victoria.
(July 1st – July 31th 2022)

Visiting Professor
Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
(Dec 2016 -January 2017)

Research visit
Tohoku University, Japan (May- Jul 2011)


I welcome my colleagues and fellow academics to this web site. If you would like to discuss any of my published work, please feel free to contact me. My professional interests are mainly in Biomedical Engineering, Adaptive control systems, Wastewater treatment, Cybersecurity and Auto-scaling in Network function virtualization and my work today has been focused on signal processing and machine learning to bridge innovative ways in these areas.
I am always looking for industrial and academic collaboration, please do not hesitate to contact me for project collaborations. For more information about my current running projects please visit Research projects.
Institute web page:  Data Analysis and Information Management Group
Call for papers: https://www.rodriguezricardo.net/rodriguezjorgericardo/
Courses: https://www.rodriguezricardo.net/rodriguezjorgericardo/
Research Interest Group: Mechatronics,  Signal Processing, Control and Artificial Neural Networks
Contact Information: E-mail: rrodriguezj@ceit.es, Telephone: +34 943 212 800 / Ext. 2940, Office: 011, Skype: rodriguezri,  Mobile phone:

Professional experience

Are you interested on Social Service?, Are you interested on Professional Residence?, Are you interested on Summer of Research?, Are you interested on Bachelor's Thesis?, Are you interested on Master's Thesis?, Are you interested on PhD thesis?, please send me an email to: ricardo.rodriguezjorge.mx@ieee.org, or you can visit me at my office. Thank you for your interest.
Ceit Research Center, Research Scientist (2023 - now)
Tecnun-University of Navarra, colaborator Professor (2024- now)
Smart Cities (Master in Telecommunication Engineering)
Análisis de Datos en la Industria 4.0 (Master in Engineering Data Analytics)
Jan Evangelista Purkyně University, Assistant professor (2021 -2023)
Algorithms and Programming I
Algorithms and Programming II
Profesional English
Python and R for Data Science
Data Mining Techniques based on R Software
Data Analysis and Visualisation
Introduction to MATLAB
Professional presentation
Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez, Full Time Professor (2015-2019)
Advanced programming (Master course)
Maintenance of Mechatronics Systems
Project of Mechatronics Diploma Thesis
Programming Fundamentals
Interface Design I
Research seminar III (PhD. course)
Project of Diploma Thesis I (PhD. course)
Machine Learning (Master course)
Scientific Computing (Master course)
Fuzzy Control Systems (Master course)
Project of Diploma Thesis II (PhD. course)
Technological University of Ciudad Juarez (2013-2015)

Analog Electronics

Automatic Control
Applied Calculus
Applied Differential Equations
Linear Systems for Automation
Digital Systems
Czech Technical University in Prague (2009-2012)
Measurement in Engineering (teaching assistant)
Computer Support for Study (teaching assistant)
Technological Institute of Ciudad Juarez (2008-2009)
Artificial Intelligence
Data Structures
Theory of Computation
Technological University of Ciudad Juarez (2007-2009)
Informatics III
Analog Electronics
Informatics II
Mathematics I
Mathematics III

Supervision of Diploma Thesis

2 Advised thesis of University Technician in Mechatronics
19 Advised Bachelor thesis in Mechatronics Engineering
3 Co-Adviced Master thesis in Computer Sciences
1 Adviced PhD thesis in Technology
1 Postgraduate review committee