Teaching statement |
The Teaching Statement of Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez Jorge is updated to July 2019. The completed and signed version of my Teaching Statement is available upon request. |
I am personally motivated for applying to a position at University because I like teaching so much. I believe that education is a strong pillar for the development of a country. Teaching has provided me one of the most satisfying professional experiences. This is because researching on my research topics have given me a deep and wide knowledge about these subjects. This knowledge that I have accumulated through practice and research is very valuable when it is shared with my students. |
I started my career as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechatronics at the Technological University of Ciudad Juarez in Chihuahua, Mexico. My first time there I worked for two years, during this time I was teaching Informatics III, Robotics, Analog Electronics, Informatics II, Mathematics I and Mathematics III. Moreover, I also worked as a lecturer in the Department of Computer Sciences and Informatics at the Technological Institute of Ciudad Juarez, in Chihuahua, Mexico. In this Institute, I was teaching Computer Sciences subjects: Artificial Intelligent, Data Structures, and Theory of Computation. My knowledge on these subjects improved due to my preparation and the valuable doubts rose by students in the class. |
Immediately after, I joined the Czech Technical University in Prague, in the Czech Republic. Then, I delivered my services as a Teaching Assistant there for two years. There too, I was able to impart knowledge to undergraduate students on subjects like Measurements in Engineering, and Computer Support for Study. Each semester I received good feedback from my teaching. This helped me to share a lot of ideas and thoughts with foreign students coming from other countries for an internship to our institute. In my staying there, I was more focused on my research and working hard to finish my Ph.D. studies on time. |
After finishing doctoral studies, I joined the Technological
University of Ciudad Juarez as Associate Professor, where I
collaborated with a cross-disciplinary research team from
different Universities, and where I worked for nearly
3-years. During this time, I was teaching the subjects:
Analog Electronics, Automatic Control,
Applied Calculus,
Integrative Subject, Applied Differential Equations,
Systems for Automation, Digital Systems, and Sensors. |
Later, I became Titular Professor-Researcher at the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez, Institute of Engineering and Technology. In this Institute, I have been delivering activities of research, teaching, mentoring, advising, and academic gestion, mainly. During this time, I have been teaching undergraduate, Master and Doctoral subjects. For undergraduate students I have been teaching the subjects: Maintenance of Mechatronics Systems, The Project of Mechatronics Diploma Thesis, Programming Fundamentals, and Interface Design I. Moreover, I have been able to impart knowledge to Master students from the Applied Computing Master Program, Master’s in technology, and Master’s in manufacturing. For this Master Programs, I have been teaching the subjects: Advanced Programming, Machine Learning, Scientific Computing, and Fuzzy Control Systems. In addition, I have been able to share ideas, and teaching to doctoral students from the Doctoral Studies in Technology, where I have been teaching the subjects: Research Seminar III, The Project of Diploma Thesis I, and The Project of Diploma Thesis II. |
As a research institute member, I wish to develop activities of research, teaching, mentoring, advising, and academic gestion, where I wish to teach Programming Languages, Artificial Neural Networks for Engineering Applications, Integral and Discrete Transform, Scientific Computing, Fuzzy Control Systems, Advanced Programming, Machine Learning, Simulation of Biomedical Systems, Models in Control and Monitoring Systems Design, Principles of Measurement in Physical Quantities. |
I believe that a good education in Engineering must rely on strong fundamentals in Mathematics, Algorithms, Discrete Mathematics, and Programming Languages. My background on Control and Systems Engineering and in Artificial Intelligence made me aware of the importance of solid theoretical foundation in Mathematics and programming languages for teaching. In addition, I have been taken several courses about teaching in terms of skills, and regarding the new methodologies for teaching which will help me to develop and teach a well-illustrated course. My experience in research will also help to teach in a good pace. |